
Coaching-Program Evaluation

Nonprofits are increasingly under pressure to show meaningful results, but often don’t have the right tools to adequately measure their results or are intimidated by the evaluation process.  Program Evaluation Coaching provides nonprofits with a consultant who will use group training, coaching, and technical assistance to help the organization design a simple, effective measurement system for a particular program or activity, as well as a process that can be used to embed the system into the organization’s on-going operations.

By working in a team, local nonprofit staff and leaders will strengthen their ability to identify and track results they intend to achieve with participants, clients, partners or customers; gather and use their own program data to improve programs and services; and, tell the story of their results to internal and external audiences.  With coaching from a consultant, nonprofits will create a simple measurement system for a specific program/project, and equip staff and leaders with the tools to implement their customized system. This will be accomplished through:

  • Group training within your organization on how to use results tools and adopt a results culture (1-2 hours)
  • Approximately 12 hours focused on:
    -Co-creating a simple measurement system for the organization or project/activity.  For complex programs or projects, creating a simple measurement system for one specific program
    -Building capacity of organizational staff to adapt and replicate the measurement system to other programs
    -Recommending and using templates of simple measurement tools / surveys / data collection instruments
    -Developing processes that can be used to embed the measurement system into on-going organizational operations
  • Completing a survey after the evaluation measures are developed to collect feedback on the process

Interested nonprofits must commit to:

  • Providing 2-4 members of the organization who will participate in the program. This can include staff from different levels, a board member or a lead volunteer
  • Approximately 3-6 months with monthly team and consultant meetings that include joint creative exploration, problem solving, and testing of new processes

Cost.  $225/organization.  The cost for HandsOn NWNC Supporting Partners is $200.  If you are unsure as to whether your organization is a Supporting Partner, please check Join/Give Now on our website or call 336-724-2866. One-half of the fee must be submitted with the application.  If payment is a barrier to this program, please contact us.  This particularly applies to small, grassroots organizations and those led by people of color.  While programs cannot be offered for free, we will work with your budget.

This program will now be offered online until further notice.

Apply here.

For more information, contact the Program Director.